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Wallet page
Wallet info
Address list
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Staking page
Staking info
Decentralized crypto-currencies based on the Blockchain architecture can only process a few transactions per second in the whole network. This results in a permanent congestion and high transaction fees, which limits their attractiveness and adoption. New generations of crypto-currencies tend to tackle the scaling issue either by giving up on full decentralization or by lowering their security levels.
This sounds like there’s some kind of scalability trilemma at play. The trilemma claims that blockchain systems can only at most have two of the following three properties: Decentralization (…), Scalability (…), Security (…). - Vitalik Buterin
Massa solves the scalability trilemma by allowing the production of parallel blocks in a multithreaded block graph,
while transaction sharding ensures that transactions of parallel blocks are compatible by construction.
Our open-source simulations show that our architecture scales beyond 10,000 transactions per second,
while staying decentralized and secure (see the technical paper or the blog post introduction).
The main Massa website is here.
Massa Testnet
On this website, you can explore the live testnet, create a wallet, and send coins to your friends!
On the Explorer page, you can use the search form to get info on any block, address or operation. You can also explore by clicking on blocks in the graph to see the details of each block.
On the Wallet page, you can see the balance of your addresses and send coins. If you don't have a wallet yet, you can generate addresses and add them to your wallet.
If you need coins, just ask on the testnet channel of our Discord, we'll send you some.
The Staking page shows the list of stakers and their number of rolls (1 roll = 100 coins here).
The parameters of the testnet are the number of threads T=32, the average time between two blocks in each thread t0=16s, the maximum block size BS=100kB, and the finality parameter F=64 blocks.
If you want to run a node and stake, here is the Github, you'll find all details.
Useful links
We'll be happy to hear your feedback and answer your questions. Please come to our Telegram, Discord, or Reddit communities. Here is the technical paper, the blog post introduction and the testnet Github. You can also contact us by email at info@massa.net.
This is just a testnet: the coins have no value, and we can restart the testnet from scratch at any time. We do not store data about you, and this website does not use cookies nor third-party tracking.